Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so you shall become. Your vision is the promise of what you shall one day be; your ideal is the prophecy of what you shall at last unveil.
A hero cannot be a hero unless in a heroic world.
The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.
Reverence does not die with mortals, nor does it perish whether they live or die.
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
A difference of opinion is what makes horse racing and missionaries.
I don't try to imagine a personal god; it suffices to stand in awe at the structure of the world, insofar as it allows our inadequate senses to appreciate it.
I have only ever read one book in my life, and that is White Fang. It's so frightfully good I've never bothered to read another.
There is only one way... to get anybody to do anything. And that is by making the other person want to do it.
Children's talent to endure stems from their ignorance of alternatives.
We can't become what we need to be by remaining what we are.
Christmas to a child is the first terrible proof that to travel hopefully is better than to arrive.
Parents wonder why the streams are bitter, when they themselves have poisoned the fountain.
To forbid us anything is to make us have a mind for it.
Any non-commissioned officer is more of an enemy to a recruit, any schoolmaster to a pupil, then they are if they were free.
I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw something back.
Ah just act the way ah feel.
After all, science is essentially international, and it is only through lack of the historical sense that national qualities have been attributed to it.
You don't have to be the Dalai Lama to tell people that life's about change.
Self-esteem comes from being able to define the world in your own terms and refusing to abide by the judgments of others.