Colorless green ideas sleep furiously
There are things known and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors of perception.
There is always time to add a word, never to withdraw one.
Boredom is the root of all evil - the despairing refusal to be oneself.
I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
The oldest, shortest words- 'yes' and 'no'- are those which require the most thought.
Learning and wisdom are superfluities, the surface glitter merely, but it is the heart that is the seat of all power.
We seldom realize, for example that our most private thoughts and emotions are not actually our own. For we think in terms of languages and images which we did not invent, but which were given to us by our society.
No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.
I am a lover of truth, a worshipper of freedom, a celebrant at the altar of language and purity and tolerance.
In the practice of tolerance, one's enemy is the best teacher.
Reality leaves a lot to the imagination.
Drop the idea that you are Atlas carrying the world on your shoulders. The world would go on even without you. Don't take yourself so seriously.
Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.
Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.
I don't know, I don't care, and it doesn't make any difference.
Fear doesn't exist anywhere except in the mind.
Nature is pleased with simplicity. And nature is no dummy
Men become wise just as they become rich, more by what they save than by what they receive.
Let no man pull you low enough to hate him.
Learn as though you would never be able to master it; hold it as though you would be in fear of losing it.