In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different.
There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.
They have formed their own 4-H club - the hopeless, hysterical hypochondriacs of history.
Reverence does not die with mortals, nor does it perish whether they live or die.
Confusion of goals and perfection of means seems, in my opinion, to characterize our age.
Quote me as saying I was mis-quoted.
But some emotions don't make a lot of noise. It's hard to hear pride. Caring is real faint - like a heartbeat. And pure love why, some days it's so quiet, you don't even know it's there.
Be less curious about people and more curious about ideas.
Many have had their greatness made for them by their enemies.
Like religion, politics, and family planning, cereal is not a topic to be brought up in public. It's too controversial.
Authority, without any condition and reservation, belongs to the nation.
Every beauty which is seen here by persons of perception resembles more than anything else that celestial source from which we all are come.
No man for any considerable period can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude, without finally getting bewildered as to which may be the true.
A scientist in his laboratory is not a mere technician: he is also a child confronting natural phenomena that impress him as though they were fairy tales.?
Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point.
I can bear any pain as long as it has meaning.
To hell with circumstances; I create opportunities.
There is no limit to the amount of good you can do if you don't care who gets the credit.
For a moment, nothing happened. Then, after a second or so, nothing continued to happen.
You are like my little dog; when people see you, they know I am nearby.
Of all the things I`ve lost I miss my mind the most.