Blessed be Providence which has given to each his toy: the doll to the child, the child to the woman, the woman to the man, the man to the devil!
Every life has a measure of sorrow, and sometimes this is what awakens us.
There are two tragedies in life. One is to lose your heart's desire. The other is to gain it.
The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.
First, then, God, being all-just, wishes to do justice; being all-wise, knows what justice is; being all-powerful, can do justice. Why then injustice?
Life always waits for some crisis to occur before revealing itself at its most brilliant.
Symbols are the imaginative signposts of life.
Never throughout history has a man who lived a life of ease left a name worth remembering.
The natural world is the greatest source of excitement. The greatest source of visual beauty. It is the greatest source of so much in life that makes life worth living.
That's the trouble with the world. We all despise ourselves.
A beautiful thing never gives so much pain as does failing to hear and see it.
Those who are easily shocked should be shocked more often.
Old age is by nature rather talkative.
In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.
Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
If you've been playing poker for half an hour and you still don't know who the patsy is, you're the patsy.
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature.
It's only terrible to have nothing to wait for.
In the end, everything is a gag.
You never know when a moment and afew sincere words can have an impact on a life.
To be interested in the changing seasons is . . . a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with spring.