You'll never find a rainbow if you're looking down
Right now Im having amnesia and dj vu at the same time. I think Ive forgotten this before.
Ah, the patter of little feet around the house. There's nothing like having a midget for a butler.
Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine.
I've heard that hard work never killed anyone, but I say why take the chance?
It's not worth doing something unless you were doing something that someone, somewhere, would much rather you weren't doing.
No good deed goes unpunished.
I didn't fail the test, I just found 100 ways to do it wrong.
I've learned one thing: you can only really get to know a person after a row. Only then can you judge their true character!
I dont know where I am going, but I am on my way.
He looks as though he's been weaned on a pickle.
It is better to be alone than in bad company.
I'm sure the universe is full of intelligent life. It's just been too intelligent to come here.
My life has been full of terrible misfortunes, most of which never happened.
There's only one rule you need to remember: laugh at everything and forget everybody else! It sound egotistical, but it's actually the only cure for those suffering from self-pity
I'm no model lady. A model's just an imitation of the real thing.
Writing is a way of talking without being interrupted.
I went to a restaurant that serves 'breakfast at any time' so I ordered French toast during the Renaissance.
I'm sorry this letter is so long, I didn't have time to make it shorter.
What do we need a psychiatrist for? We know our kid is nuts.
He could not see a belt without hitting below it.