Gold and silver from the dead turn often into lead.
I may not be better than other people, but at least I'm different.
You cant have a plan for your day, til you have a plan for your life.
The good times of today are the sad thoughts of tomorrow.
You don't have to be the Dalai Lama to tell people that life's about change.
Learn to give, whether you have plenty or little, whether you are happy or in pain.
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
Each soul is potentially divine.
That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.
I don't say we all ought to misbehave, but we ought to look as if we could.
The promise given was a necessity of the past: the word broken is a necessity of the present.
The imagination is not a state: it is the human existence itself.
All battles are fought by scared men who'd rather be some place else.
What do you despise? By this are you truly known.
Abuse of words has been the great instrument of sophistry and chicanery, of party, faction, and division of society.
I want to put a ding in the universe.
There is an eloquence in true enthusiasm.
All that you accomplish or fail to accomplish with your life is the direct result of your thoughts.
People think I'm a miserable sod but it's only because I get asked such bloody miserable questions.
Animals, whom we have made our slaves, we do not like to consider our equal.
Dress shabbily and they remember the dress; dress impeccably and they remember the woman.