Delay always breeds danger. To protract a great design is often to ruin it.
In the rush for justice it is important not to lose sight of principles the country holds dear.
Common looking people are the best in the world: that is the reason the Lord makes so many of them.
Talk low, talk slow and don't say too much.
Everything beautiful has a mark of eternity.
The traditional ways were wrongly disowned by Christianity - in hindsight, medicine men were not demons but very important counsellors in the community.
Everything is vague to a degree you do not realize till you have tried to make it precise.
The keenest sorrow is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities.
The fascination of shooting as a sport depends almost wholly on whether you are at the right or wrong end of the gun.
I like to think of myself at home in the armchair, writing, smoking and occasionally wandering down the shop.
Even if you are divine, you don't disdain male consorts.
Boards don't hit back.
Enthusiasm... the sustaining power of all great action.
The good times of today are the sad thoughts of tomorrow.
The world is moving so fast these days that the man who says it can't be done is generally interrupted by someone doing it.
Like religion, politics, and family planning, cereal is not a topic to be brought up in public. It's too controversial.
When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.
I fully realize that no wealth or position can long endure, unless built upon truth and justice; therefore, I will engage in no transaction which does not benefit all whom it affects.
Human decency is not derived from religion. It precedes it.
Of puns it has been said that those who most dislike them are those who are least able to utter them.
The promise given was a necessity of the past: the word broken is a necessity of the present.