It is a wise man that does know the contented man is never poor, whilst the discontented man is never rich.
Nobody has the power to take two steps together; you can take only one step at a time.
Desire, ignorance, and inequality—this is the trinity of bondage.
What a man does for others, not what they do for him, gives him immortality.
The object of the superior man is truth.
Thought can be so seductive and hypnotic that it absorbs your attention totally, so you become your thoughts.
Great acts are made up of small deeds.
If we do not lay out ourselves in the service of mankind whom should we serve?
Those who cannot work with their hearts achieve but a hollow, half-hearted success that breeds bitterness all around.
Attitude, not Aptitude, determines Altitude.
So many people have this idea: I want to achieve something great or be somebody great. And they neglect the step that leads to greatness. They don't honor this step at this moment because they have this idea of some future moment where they are going to be great.
Loneliness adds beauty to life. It puts a special burn on sunsets and makes night air smell better.
The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.
Circumstances do not make a man, they reveal him.
It is a cliche that most cliches are true, but then like most cliches, that cliche is untrue.
Better mad with the rest of the world than wise alone.
Nothing fixes a thing so intensely in the memory as the wish to forget it.
The ethos of redemption is realized in self-mastery, by means of temperance, that is, continence of desires.
Nothing is more intolerable than to have to admit to yourself your own errors.
If I speak of myself in different ways, that is because I look at myself in different ways.
Kind words don't cost much. Yet they accomplish much.