How can you thank a man for giving you what's already yours? How then can you thank him for giving you only part of what is yours?
Human history is in essence a history of ideas.
There is no marvel in a woman learning to speak, but there would be in teaching her to hold her tongue.
Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.
After your death you will be what you were before your birth.
That man is the noblest creature may also be inferred from the fact that no other creature has yet contested this claim.
The U.S. Census Bureau acknowledged this fact when it reported that those with a bachelor's degree earn on average $1 million more over their lifetime than those with only a high school diploma.
The greatest sweetener of human life is Friendship. To raise this to the highest pitch of enjoyment, is a secret which but few discover.
Progress of mankind is progress of mind and intellect.
A man has to learn that he cannot command things, but that he can command himself; that he cannot coerce the wills of others, but that he can mold and master his own will: and things serve him who serves Truth; people seek guidance of him who is master of himself.
The whole universe is contained within a single human being – you.
If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.
If you can't say something good about someone, sit right here by me.
Humanity is acquiring all the right technology for all the wrong reasons.
Are we happy that our grandchildren may never seen an elephant except in a picture book?
A man's feet should be planted in his country, but his eyes should survey the world.
A desire to be observed, considered, esteemed, praised, beloved, and admired by his fellows is one of the earliest as well as the keenest dispositions discovered in the heart of man.
A human being is a deciding being.
What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. These are but trifles, to be sure; but scattered along life's pathway, the good they do is inconceivable.
The great gift of human beings is that we have the power of empathy, we can all sense a mysterious connection to each other.
We may have different religions, different languages, different colored skin, but we all belong to one human race.