The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what is one's destiny to do, and then do it.
If you are five minutes early, you are already ten minutes late.
People refuse to take chances in business, because they fear the criticism which may follow if they fail.
Don't be afraid to give your best to what seemingly are small jobs. Every time you conquer one it makes you that much stronger. If you do the little jobs well, the big ones will tend to take care of themselves.
A great secret of success is to go through life as a man who never gets used up.
The best way to destroy an enemy is to make him a friend.
Practice does not make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect.
Success is steady progress toward one's personal goals
Either you run the day or the day runs you.
Any fact facing us is not as important as our attitude toward it, for that determines our success or failure
No man can taste the fruits of autumn while he is delighting his scent with the flowers of spring.
Success comes to those who become success conscious. Failure comes to those who indifferently allow themselves to become failure conscious.
If you can't make it good, at least make it look good.
It is a cursed evil to any man to become as absorbed in any subject as I am in mine
To copy others is necessary, but to copy oneself is pathetic
Don't ever promise more than you can deliver, but always deliver more than you promise.
Of all the things I've done, the most vital is coordinating those who work with me and aiming their efforts at a certain goal
A man paints with his brains and not with his hands.
Rich people have small TVs and big libraries, and poor people have small libraries and big TVs.
One can have no smaller or greater mastery than mastery of oneself.
Because ideas have to be original only with regard to their adaptation to the problem at hand, I am always extremely interested in how others have used them...