It is not the strength, but the duration, of great sentiments that makes great men.
Time wounds all heels.
Unfortunately, the clock is ticking, the hours are going by. The past increases, the future recedes. Possibilities decreasing, regrets mounting.
Respect yourself if you would have others respect you.
Be silent or let thy words be worth more than silence.
Be frank and explicit. That is the right line to take when you wish to conceal your own mind and to confuse the minds of others.
The greatest power we have is the power of choice.
One new feature or fresh take can change everything.
The wound is the place where the Light enters you.
How often it is that the angry man rages denial of what his inner self is telling him.
A single lie destroys a whole reputation of integrity.
Wisdom begins at the end.
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
Learn from the mistakes of others. You can never live long enough to make them all yourself.
Rest satisfied with doing well, and leave others to talk of you as they please.
The ethos of redemption is realized in self-mastery, by means of temperance, that is, continence of desires.
Life's battles don't always go to the stronger or faster man. But sooner or later, the man who wins is the man who thinks he can.
Those who cannot work with their hearts achieve but a hollow, half-hearted success that breeds bitterness all around.
So many people have this idea: I want to achieve something great or be somebody great. And they neglect the step that leads to greatness. They don't honor this step at this moment because they have this idea of some future moment where they are going to be great.
Loneliness adds beauty to life. It puts a special burn on sunsets and makes night air smell better.
There is geometry in the humming of the strings. There is music in the spacing of the spheres.