An intense anticipation itself transforms possibility into reality; our desires being often but precursors of the things which we are capable of performing.
If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience.
Charity ... is the opium of the privileged.
The gift of words is the gift of deception and illusion.
Prayer does not change God, but it changes him who prays.
Being an intellectual creates a lot of questions and no answers.
Show love, compassion, protection & generosity to those who depend on you – in fact, to everyone.
I'll always be poor in my mind.
Beneath the makeup and behind the smile I am just a girl who wishes for the world.
My government will be open. Anyone found guilty of corruption will be dealt with in accordance with the law. If you are corrupt you will have to hang your boots.
We all live with the objective of being happy; our lives are all different and yet the same.
Airplane travel is nature's way of making you look like your passport photo.
I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw something back.
I speak for the trees, for the trees have no tongues.
The imagination is not a state: it is the human existence itself.
Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic.
A woman can be over dressed but never over elegant.
We need to keep hope alive and strive to do better.
When we are no longer able to change a situation - we are challenged to change ourselves.
A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.
Parents are usually more careful to bestow knowledge on their children rather than virtue, the art of speaking well rather than doing well; but their manners should be of the greatest concern.