Don't be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.
Concision in style, precision in thought, decision in life.
Unsatisfied desire is in itself more desirable than any other satisfaction.
Luxury is not a necessity to me, but beautiful and good things are.
In the survival of favoured individuals and races, during the constantly-recurring struggle for existence, we see a powerful and ever-acting form of selection.
In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.
Live your life and forget your age.
All sport ... is one of the few activities where young people can proceed along traditional avenues, where objectives are clear, where the desire to win is not only permissible, but encouraged.
Your belief in God is merely an escape from your monotonous, stupid and cruel life.
Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not giving a damn
Our life is frittered away by detail. Simplify, simplify.
Colors, like features, follow the changes of the emotions.
People do not like to think. If one thinks, one must reach conclusions. Conclusions are not always pleasant.
Those who are easily shocked should be shocked more often.
The more man meditates upon good thoughts, the better will be his world and the world at large.
Life did not intend to make us perfect. Whoever is perfect belongs in a museum.
Humility is really important because it keeps you fresh and new.
There is also this benefit in brag: that the speaker is unconsciously expressing his own ideal. Humor him by all means, draw it all out, and hold him to it.
Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance.
The future is the shape of things to come.
Live your life as though your every act were to become a universal law.