Learning and wisdom are superfluities, the surface glitter merely, but it is the heart that is the seat of all power.
Wisdom is not the product of schooling, but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it.
Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.
You have heard that it was said, 'Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.' But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.
The best way to see Faith is to shut the eye of Reason.
The ethos of redemption is realized in self-mastery, by means of temperance, that is, continence of desires.
I am a lover of truth, a worshipper of freedom, a celebrant at the altar of language and purity and tolerance.
If we do not lay out ourselves in the service of mankind whom should we serve?
You cannot truly listen to anyone and do anything else at the same time.
To do great things is difficult, but to command great things is more difficult.
We learn from our gardens to deal with the most urgent question of the time: How much is enough?
All imperfection is easier to tolerate if served up in small doses.
Intelligence is a moral category.
The first thing you'll have to do, is the last thing you wished.
Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.
If you buy what you do not need, you will need what you cannot buy.
Never pick a fight with an ugly person, they've got nothing to lose.
Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life.
Everybody is ignorant, only on different subjects.
There are two educations. One should teach us how to make a living and the other how to live.
It is a wise man that does know the contented man is never poor, whilst the discontented man is never rich.