Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be satisfied.
When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me'.
True knowledge lies in knowing how to live.
Compassion is the basis of morality.
If you buy what you do not need, you will need what you cannot buy.
It's not a question of learning much.On the contrary.It's a question of UNLEARNING much.
Our virtues and our failings are inseparable, like force and matter. When they separate, man is no more
He that cannot reason is a fool. He that will not is a bigot. He that dare not is a slave.
Whatever it is you're seeking won't come in the form you're expecting.
Sometimes one creates a dynamic impression by saying something, and sometimes one creates as significant an impression by remaining silent.
Learn as though you would never be able to master it; hold it as though you would be in fear of losing it.
Although our intellect always longs for clarity and certainty, our nature often finds uncertainty fascinating.
Don't criticize what you don't understand, son. You never walked in that man's shoes.
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.
When playing board-games which involve quizzes etc, you will always know the answers to everyone else's set of questions but never your own.
I've come to believe that all my past failure and frustration were actually laying the foundation for the understandings that have created the new level of living I now enjoy.
If you don't want to slip up tomorrow, speak the truth today.
Never pick a fight with an ugly person, they've got nothing to lose.
Those who see the invisible can do the impossible.
It is always advisable to perceive clearly our ignorance.
Generosity is giving more than you can, and pride is taking less than you need.