We must live together as brothers or perish together as fools.
Most of us have far more courage than we ever dreamed possible
Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.
The impossible could not have happened, therefore the impossible must be possible in spite of appearances.
Don't raise your voice, improve your argument.
Great acts are made up of small deeds.
The smaller the mind, the greater the conceit.
If you do not know the laws of right conduct, you cannot form your character.
By three methods we may learn wisdom: first, by reflection which is noblest; second, by imitation, which is the easiest; and third, by experience, which is the bitterest.
Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.
A perfection of means, and confusion of aims, seems to be our main problem.
There is always time to add a word, never to withdraw one.
The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it.
You don't become what you want, you become what you believe
To live is not merely to breathe; it is to act; it is to make use of our organs, senses, faculties - of all those parts of ourselves which give us the feeling of existence
There is an art, or rather a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.
It is necessary to keep one's compass in one's eyes and not in the hand, for the hands execute, but the eye judges.
The experience gathered from books, though often valuable,is but the nature of learning whereas the experience gained from actual life is of the nature of wisdom.
At the center of your being you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want.
The ethos of redemption is realized in self-mastery, by means of temperance, that is, continence of desires.
We never see ourselves as others see us.