When you cease to make a contribution you begin to die.
People living deeply have no fear of death.
No power is strong enough to be lasting if it labors under the weight of fear.
Life and death are one thread, the same line viewed from different sides.
Where there is no freedom, there is death and destruction.
It's stasis that kills you off in the end, not ambition.
Death makes angels of us all and gives us wings where we had shoulders smooth as ravens claws.
Fear not death for the sooner we die, the longer we shall be immortal.
A thing is not necessarily true because a man dies for it.
When desire dies, fear is born.
There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.
It is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both.
Death is caused by swallowing small amounts of saliva over a long period of time.
It is the cause, not the death, that makes the martyr.
The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be.
The fear of criticism is at the bottom of the destruction of most ideas which never reach the planning and action stage.
A man who fears suffering is already suffering from what he fears.
It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners.
On the plus side, death is one of the few things that can be done just as easily lying down.
Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. And that no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams, because every second of the search is a second's encounter with God and with eternity.
Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of witherings, of tarnishings.