My idea of heaven is a place where the Tyne meets the Delta, where folk music meets the blues.
What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul.
Everyone who has ever built anywhere a 'new heaven' first found the power thereto in his own hell.
If you're really spiritual, then you should be totally independent of the good and the bad opinions of the world... you should have faith in yourself.
All of us have a God in us, and that God is the spirit that unites all life, everything that is on this planet.
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
I love you when you bow in your mosque, kneel in your temple, pray in your church. For you and I are sons of one religion, and it is the spirit.
Faith is a knowledge within the heart, beyond the reach of proof.
Moral indignation - jealousy with a halo.
The lust of the flesh directs these desires [of personal union], however, to satisfaction of the body, often at the cost of a real and full communion of persons.
Do not let Sunday be taken from you If your soul has no Sunday, it becomes an orphan.
The whole secret of existence is to have no fear. Never fear what will become of you, depend on no one. Only the moment you reject all help are you freed.
The theological virtue of charity is the mysterious power, communicated by grace, to love as God loves.
The ink of the scholar is more sacred than the blood of the martyr.
The greatest quality of a man is to treat his enemies in a better way, for Allah himself showed kindness to his unbelievers.
The modern dilemma is essentially a spiritual one, and every one of its main aspects, moral, political and scientific, brings us back to the need of a religious solution.
Four things support the world: the learning of the wise, the justice of the great, the prayers of the good, and the valour of the brave.
The social principles of Christianity preach cowardice, self-contempt, abasement, submission, humility, in a word all the qualities of the canaille
Devotion does not mean only chanting praise and singing glory of God, nor fasting and offerings made to God. Devotion is a specific attitude towards life and existence.
Strong hope is a much greater stimulant of life than any single realized joy could be.
A faith is a necessity to a man. Woe to him who believes in nothing.