It is not worthy of a speaker of truth to curse people.
How dreadful knowledge of the truth can be when there's no help in the truth.
Truth suffers from too much analysis.
No one lights a lamp and puts it in a place where it will be hidden, or under a bowl. Instead he puts it on its stand, so that those who come in may see the light.
If you're gonna be two-faced at least make one of them pretty.
The truth is more important than the facts.
The practice of forgiveness is our most important contribution to the healing of the world.
If you have no critics you'll likely have no success.
It is better to offer no excuse than a bad one.
Don't keep a man guessing too long - he's sure to find the answer somewhere else
The meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to socialism.
Strive always to excel in virtue and truth.
You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you mad.
Art is the lie that enables us to realize the truth.
The truth. It is a beautiful and terrible thing, and must therefore be treated with great caution.
The truth may be out there, but the lies are inside your head.
The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple.
It is truth that liberates, not your effort to be free.
I believe we are here on the planet Earth to live, grow up and do what we can to make this world a better place for all people to enjoy freedom.
The most dangerous untruths are truths slightly distorted.
Peace is not something you wish for; it is something you make, something you are, something you do, and something you give away.