If someone puts their hands on you make sure they never put their hands on anybody else again.
The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.
You can never stop and as older people, we have to learn how to take leadership from the youth and I guess I would say that this is what I'm attempting to do right now.
I never expect men to give us liberty. No, women, we are not worth it until we take it.
A politician divides mankind into two classes: tools and enemies.
Governments constantly choose between telling lies and fighting wars, with the end result always being the same. One will always lead to the other.
He who tampers with the currency robs labour of its bread.
Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.
Necessity is blind until it becomes conscious. Freedom is the consciousness of necessity.
Confronted with the choice, the American people would choose the policeman's truncheon over the anarchist's bomb.
The upward course of a nation's history is due in the long run to the soundness of heart of its average men and women.
I don't think marriage is a civil right, but I think that being able to transfer property is a civil right.
The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation.
It is true that liberty is precious; so precious that it must be carefully rationed.
Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.
Never tell your enemy he is doing the wrong thing.
Freedom in capitalist society always remains about the same as it was in ancient Greek republics: Freedom for slave owners.
When I am abroad, I always make it a rule never to criticize or attack the government of my own country. I make up for lost time when I come home.
Government is not reason, it is not eloquence it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and fearful master.
While the State exists there can be no freedom; when there is freedom there will be no State.
Men are Moved by two levers only: fear and self interest