The truth is not for all men but only for those who seek it.
It is not worthy of a speaker of truth to curse people.
I hope that real love and truth are stronger in the end than any evil or misfortune in the world.
Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty.
Do not be afraid to take a chance on peace, to teach peace, to live peace...Peace will be the last word of history.
The practice of forgiveness is our most important contribution to the healing of the world.
I can feel guilty about the past, apprehensive about the future, but only in the present can I act. The ability to be in the present moment is a major component of mental wellness.
Anything worth doing is worth doing slowly.
Truth is ever to be found in the simplicity, and not in the multiplicity and confusion of things.
Lies run sprints, but the truth runs marathons.
The truth. It is a beautiful and terrible thing, and must therefore be treated with great caution.
If you're not ready to die for it, take the word 'freedom' out of your vocabulary.
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Peace begins with a smile..
I do not want the peace which passeth understanding, I want the understanding which bringeth peace.
If we cannot end now our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity.
A conscience without God is like a court without a judge.
It is not truth that matters, but victory
To love truth for truth's sake is the principal part of human perfection in this world, and the seed-plot of all other virtues.
Truth is a tendency.
Truth suffers from too much analysis.